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Category: Interview

23 Lug

The Fashion Interview: Cosmina Suciu

Hello beautieslast week I wrote you about my fabulous experience in Onassis & Co wonderland, here and here, and today I wanna share with you something more about my beloved brand. In particular, I wanna introduce you and let you know Onassis & Co head, heart and imagination, in other words Cosmina Suciu the stylist.I had always admired strong women who fight to make their dreams reality with hard work, passion, professionalism and never giving up, so I was realy honored to make a little interview to this kind of person who is Cosmina.But know I leave you to Cosmina words, that represent her perfectly.1. Cosmina, you're the chief designer of ultra-luxury brand Onassis&Co, but before being a well-established and talented designer, who...
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26 Giu

The Fashion Interview: Gilda Koral Flora

Hello loveliesI loved Fashion since I was a child and I always looked at relevant personalities of this world with eyes full of admiration.When I start blogging, I was bewitched by loads of bloggers and workers of the sector and my first "crush", that during the years become a real love, was Gilda Koral Flora.If you follow my blog or my social accounts, you already know my love for her and for what she's doing...
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20 Giu

The Fashion Interview: Gaetano Perrone

Hello beautiesas you already know I like making little interviews to my favourite personalities in the fashion world and I'm also a shoes lover so when I had the chance to post an interview with a very talented shoe designer thanks to Lacrom, my fave online shop ever, I was so thrilled!Lacrom is a fabulous shop where you can find loads of new designers focused on accessories ( here my interview to Valentina Ingellis, Lacrom CEO ) and one of them is my beloved Gaetano Perrone, who makes breathtaking and unbelivable shoes.I'm very pleased to introduce you to Gaetano and his larger than life genius.1. Where was born Gaetano Perrone?I was born in Castrovillari, province of Cosenza, in Calabria.2. Where...
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31 Mag

The Fashion Interview: Valentina Ingellis

Hello beautiesas I told you several, one of my favourite online shops is Lacrom, that sells the most known and beloved Italian designers such as Giulia Boccafogli, Gaetano Perrone, Francesca Evangelista and Maiden-Art. Few times ago I had the chance to make an inteview with Giulia Boccafogli ( here ) and Francesca Evangelista ( here ) and today I share with you the one that I made to Lacrom CEO, the beautiful Valentina Ingellis!So let me introduce you to Valentina and to what she told me...
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