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Category: Storytelling

22 Ott

Look of the day: Love is simple

I thought about Love, the real one, the one with A Capital letter, like a simple thing. Not always easy, but simple.

What could be easier than watching a person in the eyes and feel the intensity that burns body and soul? What could be more simple than feeling that emotional vibration in every cell and fiber just by touching him? What could be more simple than two minds that travel in unison and to the q...
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16 Ott

Look of the day: Eyes wide open

Eyes wide open in a dark room in the middle of the night, inspect the ceiling.

A soft wind comes from the half-open window and moves the hair and makes the foot withdraw under the white blanket while in the air, a whirlwind of cinnamon, ginger and amber wrap up feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Like a waves of rough water smash against the barbed rocks, my inner side pulsates to come out and to le...
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8 Ott


Un tempo mi dilettavo a studiare le persone, a osservarle, a carpire i loro pensieri, a rubare un pezzo delle loro emozioni e a incamerarle nelle mie. Le emozioni si inalano, ci pervadono e si irradiano in ogni cellula e fibra, esplodendo poi in una Supernova energetica senza eguali. Per chi ha difficoltà nell'esprimerle verbalmente o affettivamente, la scrittura diventa la prima fonte per esternarle in maniera armonica ed efficace, donandole sotto forma di parole a chi le legge ma soprattutto a chi è in grado di coglierle sottilmente. E, a mano a mano che cresceva dentro di me l'Amore viscerale per la scrittura, sbocciava in eguale intensità quello per la Moda e l'Haute Couture. Ritagliavo le figure dei Maestri, dei...
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6 Ott

Happiness is…

Happiness is… To be in Milano for job and have the chance to enjoy some free time with my best friend Alina and my mum.

Shopping time, a business meeting, brunch at Biancolatte, another business meeting, a coffee at Il Fioraio Bianchi Caffè and then off to an important event.

But the best part was be supported by these two smiley faces, nothing is better of the Love of the people who care o...
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26 Set

Look of the day: During Milano Fashion Week…

During Milano Fashion Week you understand the meaning of the words ” obsession of presences “even if you have no invite to enter.

During Milano Fashion Week you understand the meaning of ” advantage friendships ” where during the year is an ” Hello ” every 5 months and during those particular it’s a “Hey my love! Love you ” every 5 seconds.

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