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Category: Storytelling

21 Ott

Look of the day: Take a walk on my dark side

Hello beautiesthe weather here is very sleepy and cold, sunny days are gone and what I'd like to do is staying in bed under my cozy duvet sipping an hot tea :)The bad weather makes me think about the Baroque era and I really believe that this Desigual jacket has a real Baroque touch.Dark and fascinating colors, embellished fabric and precious little details such as the crowns are turning back time and going straight to XVII century.Black as the weather, gold as the luxury and red as the passion that flows through veins.Hope that you will like it, let me know what you think!Bisousyours Carolyne O'Ciao dolcezzequi il tempo sembra quasi silente, freddo e addormentato, i giorni soleggiati se ne...
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20 Ott

Look of the day: Let Them Stare

Sometimes, in life, you have the chance to meet special people with a big passion and a huge talent who create unique and original stuffs.The first time I saw a Let Them Stare piece I was really impressed and amazed because I can clearly saw the love that the sweet Anastasia put in made it. The precious fabric, the structureted, geometric and architectonic but very sensual shape make me feel blessed in wearing it.Anastasia is an innovative designer who presents her tailored clothing line through her blog where she wears herself her own pieces.An Indian-Israeli brilliant, eclectic and visionary artist with an histrionic talent who was nominated by Elle Japan one of the best dressed woman, Anastasia has fashion and style...
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15 Ott

Look of the day: Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none

Hello beautiesHave I ever told you that I love Shakespeare? I read all his plays and yesterday I finished reading for the second time "All's well that ends well" and one of my favourite quote in it is in act 1, scene 1 said by the Comtesse.I think it's a so wise sentence and advice because by loving all we can open our heart to every person but trusting only a few it's a sort of protection of ourselves from who is not good with us and doing wrong to none help to spread love and not hate.Do you agree?My daily look was quite simple but elegant because I went to a work lunch out and I wore my...
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