“… He showed me a sketch he had made during a meditation: an androgynous human figure, standing with his hands folded in prayer. But that figure had four legs, and as a head a tangle of leaves and wild flowers. On the heart was drawn a little smiling face. << To find the balance you are looking for you have to become like this. You have to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground, as if you had four legs. this way you can live in the world, but you have to stop look with your head, you have to watch it with your heart. … >> “
Elizabeth Gilbert “Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s search for everything across Italy, India and Indonesia”
Ph. Isabò
“… Mi mostrò uno schizzo che aveva fatto durante una meditazione: una figura umana androgina, in piedi, con le mani congiunte in preghiera. Ma quella figura aveva quattro gambe, e al posto della testa un groviglio di foglie e fiori selvatici. Sul cuore era disegnato un piccolo viso sorridente. << Per trovare l’equilibrio che stai cercando devi diventare così. Devi tenere i piedi ben piantati a terra, come se avessi quattro gambe. In questo modo puoi vivere nel mondo, ma devi smetterla di guardarlo con la testa, devi guardarlo con il cuore. >> … ”
Elizabeth Gilbert ” Mangia, Prega, Ama “
I was wearing:
LEROCK leather jacket
Prada Baroque sunglasses