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Carolina Ogliaro Tag

1 Gen

Happy New Year

2015 has officially begun and it is time to take stock on the year just gone.

2014 was very important and intense under every point of view but I finished it with a feeling of extreme gratitude that led me to grow a lot. I decided to be grateful even, and especially, for the difficult things happened because they taught me many lessons and made conscious of my strength and my courage. But I will not live ...
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29 Dic

C. loves | AMANJEDA

Amanjeda is a brand of pure sensuality and femininity.

Amanjeda is a fashion design company created with an uncompromising philosophy of style, spirit, taste and identity. It was established by designer Katrin Kuldma, who has studied and worked in the fashion field in Tallinn and in New York. Strong impact to her style is made by the chic fashion capital Milano. Katrin Kuldma started with her Design S...
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27 Dic

C. loves | An Italian Theory S/S 2015

Explosive, ironic and Italian addicted. This, in a nutshell, is the new Spring / Summer 2015 collection signed by An Italian Theory.

Brand founded by the versatile Alessandro Enriquez with the publication of the book “10 × 10 An Italian Theory”, has immediately met the favor of the fashion system because of his collections are able to detonate within each of us the love for the motherland. E...
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25 Dic

Merry Christmas

I wish you to spend a happy and peaceful Christmas, surrounded by your blood family or heart one. With people who love you and appreciate and value you for what you really are.

I wish you had found under the tree all the presents that you wanted more, but even more I wish you had found the only one that is priceless and that is the most beautiful one can get … Love. That might come a parent, a fur f...
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22 Dic

Beauty | Roger & Gallet Jean-Marie Farina Eau de Cologne

A Christmas atmosphere as enveloping as magical. In the background the lights of the Eiffel Tower light up the night as the gash of lightning. Paris, the City of Lights, the city where Christmas can assume an artistic dimension special and particular, more than in any other city.

And from Parisian workshops, Roger & Gallet, continuing its tradition of collaboration with the most famous vanguards, asso...
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