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Carolina Ogliaro Tag

3 Dic

Look of the day: The Kiss

“Appreciate the moment of a first kiss; it may be the last time you own your heart.”

The meeting of two souls, who wander since the beginning of time.

Reincarnate from body to body in order to even touch. To be able to feel again and experience the thrill of that touch under the skin, sometimes elusive and once again intense as a deflagration.

The winged journey of a soul lookin...
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1 Dic

Event | Sony MDR Headphones #PlaySony

In a urban and cosmopolitan loft in Milan, Sony unveiled in exclusive the new MDR-1A and MDR-XB450AP headphones with a particular project starring seven characters of the music world who have collected urban sounds to make them become the soundtrack of videos which are themselves the protagonists precisely.

The initiative #PlaySony proposes an hypnotic journey through the sounds of the city, thanks to th...
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28 Nov

Look of the day: Moment of infinity

We live in the infinite, in forever or we live at a time?

As the White Rabbit said to Alice “Sometimes forever lasts only a second,” but it is one of those seconds that paralyze your legs, cut your breath and make circling the body in a total state of grace.

The forever is not of time, but the soul, it encloses within itself as in a casket, surrounds and protects. When the heart starts ...
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26 Nov

Interview | Lucia Giovannini, Tutta un’altra vita

There comes a time in life when we stop and ask ourselves the question “The way I’m acting, thinking and feeling is the best for me?” . You get to this point because a little voice inside of you is putting you ahead of events, things, people who are no longer in tune, or maybe they have ever been, with our inner being. Our inner side rebels and leads us to come to terms with a reality that no l...
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24 Nov

Beauty | Divina eau de toilette by Mediterranea

Inside an ancient villa.

A cascade of blond hair shining like liquid gold, a long, black as night, dress from deep neckline that reveals her bare back. A baroque petineuse reflects the image of a woman devoted to prepare herself before an important way out … Lucente hair, natural but flawless makeup, she looks like a real 50s Diva, mysterious but conscious of her intoxicating charm. As a finishing t...
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