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Carolina Ogliaro Tag

13 Nov

Beauty | Boots Serum7 Olio Attivo Notte Antietà

They said that night brings suggestions and with it the benefits of finding solution to the daily trouble. The effects of benevolent night time, however, can be inferred also on our skin, in fact, thanks to the application of creams and oils it is regenerated, renewed and replenished more effectively.

The new pharmaceutical found that provides a fleshing out, repair and nourishment of the skin smoothing w...
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11 Nov

Beauty: [ comfort zone ] Longevity Week

A cuddle, a gratification for our mental well-being. Our inside good feeling is reflected on our appearance, this is the philosophy behind the Longevity Week created by [comfort zone], the Italian brand born in Parma in 1996 and that marks the skincare industry by Davines Group, founded in 1983 by the family Bollati, where science and passion blend together to create a complete system for skin care, body and so...
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10 Nov


A week-end just passed.

That smells of the cinnamon, Christmas decorations and candle with Neroli scent. A week-end with caresses under the duvet  and sweet skirmishes on the sofa between the pages of a book and a Gotan Project CD. Among a call that establishes the official start of an important project and  words that come true emotions that were thought dormant. Among the moments spent with import...
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7 Nov

Look of the day: I found my somewhere in the middle of yours anywhere

And so it begins…

A cold and late night, two feet slide on a creaking wood flooring. A long white tee and slow walk in my house, that I feel no more mine but ours.

I think over the IF that bothered me and the BUT that paralyzed and I realized how much now I am strong. I found my somewhere in the middle of yours anywhere.

And even in the hard times I’ll have the courage of taki...
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5 Nov

Technology | Nintendo 3DS XL “Tomodachi Life”

A long day at work, a race between one meeting and another, a draft to review and then another and another one again and a very important project, which I can not reveal anything yet, that absorbs so much time and energy, but we are taking care of and pulling up as a child.

And when the day comes to an end, after a hot bath and a Mario Biondi CD, I feel the need to carve out a moment just for me, to cle...
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