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Carolina Ogliaro Tag

6 Ago

Look of the day: Love is Love

I heard someone says ” Love is noise and pain”… I think that is Love is Love and passion.

If it hurts so much and gives you lot of pain is not real Love and it’s a real waste of time follow something that is not what you really deserve. Well, sometimes Love can gives up and down but… There must be more ups than downs.

Love is everywhere… In realtionships, in job,...
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5 Ago

Limited Edition Scarves CC by Conchy Copé

One of the greatest thing in blogging is finding special people that are phisically so far but Internet make them so close.

One of those people is the glamorous Conchy Copé, blogger of CC Fashion, who I am proud to announce has recently launched a small limited edition collection of scarves for Pitsart. Totally handmade in Italy, Conchy took inspirations from her love for animal print and mix it wi...
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1 Ago

Look of the day: Serendipity


Finding what you love by chance. Finding what you think you don’t need while you were searching for something else.

Fortuity or deep desire that becomes reality? I call it magic and huge willpower.

Find the courage to ask to yourself what you really want, ask it from the heart, feel the vibrations during the request and… Let it happen.


yours Caro...
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30 Lug

Look of the day: Happiness is my state of mind

A bouquet of white fresh roses. A baby who is searching for her mum’s hand. A dog running to his owner after a whole day separated. That infinity together. The personal revolution when you find the courage to stop everything is not suitable for you and start again.

Rise and shine in a new life.

Find your own way to be happy and make happiness your state of mind. Happiness is everywhere…...
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29 Lug

Alien Eau Extraordinaire by Thierry Mugler

”  … And suddenly the memory revealed itself. The taste was that of the little piece of madeleine which on Sunday mornings at Combray (because on those mornings I did not go out before mass), when I went to say good morning to her in her bedroom, my aunt Léonie used to give me, dipping it first in her own cup of tea or tisane… ” In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust

The scen...
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