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fashion blogger italiane Tag

13 Mag

Nomination Event | Ciao Lapo

Nomination is the leader brand in steel and gold bijoux sector. Ciao Lapo is an Italian onlus created by two parents who prematurely lost their son Lapo, that promotes the health of parents and families through direct psychological support and the creation of a network that support, consisting of gynecologists, obstetricians, nurses, psychologists and parents. Ciao Lapo deals with the protection of high-risk p...
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12 Mag

Look of the day: What is inside you is outside you

If you feel ugly and inappropriate while you are walking down the street no one will look at you. But if you feel wonderful in your dress and if you think you are beautiful anyone will look it you with admiration.

What is inside you is outside you, what happen outside is a reflection of your inner part  . If you are able to change your attitude everything around you will withstand that influence. For ...
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9 Mag

Dog Deliver box

As some of you already know, I share my life with my beautiful doggie Audrey and she’s one of the most important part of it.

For her I’m always searching for the most safety toys, the healthiest food and the most precious hair products… Seeing her happy and in good health is one of the greatest pleasure in my life.

As a huge lover of the human beauty box I was more than happy to f...
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7 Mag

Look of the day: Unexpected

The most beautiful things are unexpected.

Are the ones that come in a late night after an hard day of work when you think that nothing could happened anymore, are the words told by a person you admire in an aseptic morning of static feelings, are the middle-night-calls of your special one telling you “Hey, I was thinking about you”, are the cuddles of my doggie Audrey when I come home.

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6 Mag

The Fashion Interview: Laura Renieri from The Old Now

One of the greatest thing that happened in my life in 2014 is being fashion contributor, with a special focus on luxury and new designers, for the famous Italian webmagazine The Old Now. You can read here some of my articles.

I’m more than grateful for this great experience that allows me to be part of the best team ever, in a team that today is more a family than a job team, and knowing a new reali...
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