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fashion blogger italiane Tag

28 Feb

Milano style

Hello beautiesone of the best things to be in Milano during the fashion week is to see how people express their style.Classic, eclectic, elegant, dark, sexy or strange everything is accepted during those crazy days. For a part, Fashion is the only reason why they are in the city but for other the only reason is appear, only want to be photographed by famous magazines or only attended shows and events to say " I was here". The world is beautiful because is various :)I made some pics during Rebecchi and Cristiano Burani shows to people who impressed me the most :)Hope you will like them!Bisousyours Carolyne O'Ciao dolcezzeuna delle cose più belle durante la settimana della moda di Milano...
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27 Feb

Massimo Rebecchi fashion show

Hello loveliesone of the shows I like the most during this fashion week, maybe because he's one of my favourite stylist, was Massimo Rebecchi one.I went to attend the show with Carlotta and Delfina, my allies during these days in Milano, and we had the pleasure to watch it in the front row. I really enjoied the F/W collection and I made some pics with my brand new Canon EOS M that I like so much.The collection was characterized by a classic, refined and elegant mood that are expressed in each single seam. The main colors were blue, plum, gray, purple, various shades of green and red with several prints. A few forays into the catwalk for the man who, as always,...
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26 Feb

Look of the day: A green Milano fashion week

Hello loveliestoday is the last day of Milano fashion week and I can't wait to show you all the pics that I made, stay tuned next days for loads of images for you :)Today I'll show you the look for the workshop with Canon and Camera della Moda where me and my "partners in crime" spoke about our thought about fashion and blogging. I made the pictures outside in front of Palazzo Giureconsulti and in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, the weather was not so great, it was snowing so much :( So I choose to wear my new Giovanna Nicolai coat matched with my fab MèDusa bag and...
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