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fashion blogger italiane Tag

15 Feb

Trussardi My Land

Hello beautiesI was born as perfume lover and addicted and I have a big personal collection. Had anyone read "Perfume" by Suskind? I'm like Grenouille nose:) I love fragrances for man and woman and I use both for me. And okay I can't stop buying the ones I like, do you know if exists a perfumes rehab?!?Trussardi My Land is at the moment one of my faves and it's dedicated to man. I find My Land very sensual...
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14 Feb

Eyes on: Gilda Koral Flora

Hello beautieslast year I started a new column named Eyes on where I introduce you to people who impressed me a lot under a fashion point of view. Main characters of last posts were Laura Farrant and Sarah Jones, today I'll write about a 100% made in Italy Gilda Koral Flora.Gilda Koral Flora is the digital PR of the Heaven of the shopaholics Runin2 and brands researcher. She worked as assistant buyer and communication manager for the best shop in Bari " Mimma Ninni" and she is the blogger behind Thank God it's Friday, that is more than a blog it's G's diary in the fashion world .I'm so in love with her street style and with the work she does, I think she one of...
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13 Feb

Weekly inspirations

Hello beautieslike every week here we are with my weekly inspirations from the blogosphere :)Which are you fave inspos for this week? Have you seen anything that catches your attention?Let me know, I'm so curious!Hope you will like them :)Bisousyours Carolyne O'Buy now blog laterCiao dolcezzecome ogni settimana eccoci qui con le mie ispirazioni settimanali dalla blogosfera :)Quali sono le vostre ispirazioni per questa settimana? C'è qualcosa che ha catturato la vostra attenzione?Fatemi sapere, sono curiosa :)Spero che queste vi piaceranno!Bisousla vostra Carolyne O'Me and MietzSandra's closetScent of obsessionGilda Koral Flora love her, what else? :)My free choiceFash boulevardWear see snapBoth from Atlantic-PacificSong of style...
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10 Feb

Look of the day: Arabesque in the sun

Hello loveliesfirst of all the winner of the My Beauty Box contest is Valeria-My urban market! Congratulations dear, I'll send you an e-mail later! Today is the last day to join the MsDressy one :)Yesterday was a Spring day so, finally, I wore my brand new lovely Ax Paris dress, with the pretty cute black and white print that seems an arabesque. The sun was shining and the weather was warm so I took advantage to make some pics in ten seconds without the jacket so you can see better the dress :) I love "natural" pics so if in some of them I have silly expressions/poses hope you'll like them as well :)Was your week-end nice? Did you do any...
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