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Printemps Précieux de Chanel 2013
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25 Gen


Hello beautiesyesterday I was organizing files on my pc and I found one that I had completely forgot to have. Named "inspirations", it was full of pics found on Google about everything which I took inspos from fashion to interior design passing by beauty and animals :)I decided to share my favourite ones with you so maybe someone can inspire you too and so they can finally have a benefit for all the time spent in the "dark side" of my computer :)Let me know which is your fave!Bisousyours Carolyne O'Ciao bellezzeieri stavo organizzando le varie cartelle all'interno del mio pc e ne ho trovata una della quale mi ero completamente dimenticata l'esistenza. Titolata "ispirazioni", era piena di immagini trovate...
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24 Gen

Printemps Précieux de Chanel 2013

Hello loveliesif I look outside the window I only see snow but when I saw for the first time the new Chanel make-up collection I really feel Spring time!Printemps Précieux is the name of the collection that is sold worldwide from 18th January and is already sold out everywhere.Main characters of Printemps Précieux are romanticism, sophistication and lightness with soft pink, burgundy and plum as colors. All eyes are on the face powder that gives light to yours specific face points and let them shine.Closed the collection the guaranteed polishes, the eyeshadows in duo or quadro, the blush, lipsticks and lip-glosses, eye-liner, lip-pencil and a mascara.Did you already tried anything about the collection or would you like to do it...
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23 Gen


Hello loveliesI told you several times that I'm an Instagram addicted-fan-lover and I like sharing with you  snap-shots of my daily life.Lot of times you help me suggesting me to buy or not to buy an item, so if wanna join the shopping party time and be part of the explosion of my credit card you can find me as @carolinaogliaro so don't forget to add me :)Here is a sort of the best of my last weeks in pics :)What do you think about this app? Do you like it or not? Let me know because I'm curious to know your opinion!Bisousyours Carolyne O'The winner of the giveaway choosen by SVMI-E is Nicole, they will contact you soon and...
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22 Gen

Weekly inspirations

Hello lovelieslike every week here we are with my fave inspirations from the blogosphere and the Internet world :)Yesterday ended the SVMI-E giveaway so stay tuned next days to discover the winner and prepare yourselves for another cute one :)Let me know if you like them and which is your favourite or which are yours!Bisousyours Carolyne O'In love with this simply-chic outfit by Martina of Me and Mietz !Ciao dolcezzeeccoci qui come ogni settimana con le mie ispirazioni settimanali dalla blogosfera e dal mondo di Internet!Ieri è terminato il giveaway con SVMI-E, rimanete sintonizzate nei prossimi giorni per scoprire la vincitrice e per un nuovo premio in arrivo per voi :)Fatemi sapere se vi piacciono e quale è la vostra preferita o...
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