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25 Lug


Hello beautiesokay, I'm a huge Instagram fan, I must stop myself to take pictures of everything and post it but I know that most of you have the same problem :)If you haven't do it, add me @carolinaogliaro so we can also chat and see each other on it!Here's a mix of my faves Insta photos, hope you will like them!Bisousyours Carolyne O'Ciao bellissimeokay, sono una grandissima fan di Instagram, devo dire basta a me stessa di continuare a fotografare tutto e poi postarlo ma so che molte di voi hanno lo stesso problema :)Se non l'avete ancora fatto, aggiungetemi @carolinaogliaro così potremmo chiacchierare anche lì e vederci!Ecco qui un mix dei miei Insta-momenti preferiti, spero vi piacciano!Bisousla vostra Carolyne...
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24 Lug

Oh my Zara shoes!

Hello loveliesHave you already red my last article for Fashion Parkway ?Yesterday I watched the new Zara shoes collection and I must say that I found lot of cute items :)Did you see it? Here's a sneak peek! Tell me which are your faves!A big kissyours Carolyne O'Ciao carissimeavete già dato un'occhiata al mio ultimo articolo per Fashion Parkway ?Ieri ho visto la nuova collezione scarpe di Zara e devo dire che ne ho trovato alcune molto deliziose :)L'avete già vista? Eccone qualcuna e ditemi quale è la vostra preferita?Un grande baciola vostra Carolyne O'...
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20 Lug

Armani for " The Dark Knight rises"

The 20th July is the release date in cinemas of "The Dark Knight rises" the last chapter of the Batman trilogy. Directed by Christopher Nolan and with Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Morgan Freeman, The Dark Knight rises is the last cinematic collaboration of Giorgio Armani in collaboration with the legendary costume designer Lindy Hemming, Oscar for " Topsy-Turvy".Again in the role of Bruce Wayne, Christian Bale wears items of the Giorgio Armani Line " Made to Measure" which consist of two single-breasted with two buttons dresses, with a huge range of shirts and ties. Every single piece has its own label signed Giorgio Armani for Bruce Wayne.In addition to...
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19 Lug

Weekly inspirations

Hello beautieslike every week here I am with my fave weekly inspirations taken from the blogosphere and from some of my beloved blogs ;)Hope that they can be source of inspiration for you too!Bisousyours Carolyne O'Ciao bellissimecome ogni settimana eccomi con le mie ispirazioni settimanali prese dalla blogosfera e come sempre dai miei blogs più amati ;)Spero che possano essere fonte di ispirazione anche per voi!Bisousla vostra Carolyne O'Join my adventures through Google Friend Connect, Bloglovin'. on Twitter @carolinaogliaro and on Instagram @carolinaogliaroOkay, I wanna be there right now! Buy now blog laterFrom Fash bouleverdGlamgerousNicoletta from Scent of obsessionStylish Martina from The little fashion treasury ! Kiss Mietzino!La Praire Sandra's closetBlue The fashion fruit Make-up love My free choice White and pretty Valentina Piusc!...
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