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Italian fashion blogger Tag

3 Nov

Look of the day: Cirque du soleil

Hello beautieshow was your week-end going? Hope everything was good, I enjoyed four days of vacations and now I'm ready for the week ahead :)One of the greatest trips of my life was in New York City and one of the best memories I have about this city is when I watched a performance by Cirque du Soleil, these guys are so talented and artistic that I stayed all time with mouth opened like children!So when I first saw this dress by Desigual inspired by Cirque du Soleil collection I really fell in love with it because it reminds me my time spent in that theatre and it gave me an immediate state of happiness.I love how detailed and precious is...
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31 Ott

Gas Jeans press day

Hello beautyhow did you spend your Halloween? More trick or treat?Another press day that I have had the pleasure to attend was the Gas Jeans one, dedicated to Spring/Summer 2014.The main theme of this collection was the sea, that can be seen through every single garment. Nautical suits, sporty and glamorous clothes inspired by boat and cruise life and also with a vintage taste that takes inspiration from dock workers uniforms never forgetting the tranquillity of beach days.The palette of colors is composed by red, white and blue navy with seaside prints, such as knots, stripes and sea animals, obviously lot of denim, and the final effects are very technical or "experienced".A fresh and comfortable collection perfect to live Summer...
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29 Ott

Birthday Girl

Hello beautiestoday is not about my passion for fashion but it's about me. Yes, because today it's my birthday, my special day.Today is the day that I'd love to wake up lately in the morning with a breakfast in bed and a room full of white flowers and my lil' Audrey next to me. Cuddle, no thoughts, just chillin and relax and a perfect dreamy dinner on the beach, near the sea, only with candles as light.How do you like to spend your time on your birthday?For this year I wanna cuddle myself, everything I will want I will do ...
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28 Ott

October Glossybox

Hello beautiesthe beauty boxes were a great idea for the girls who love make-up and who love taking care of their bodies every month with different products, one of the most famous in Italy is definetely the Glossybox.For the month of October the Glossybox has created a box totally dedicated to Beauty Balance, just because Fall is started and the cold season is almost here we must help and protect our skin and our body.I found five interesting product that I'm testing and I can already tell you that they are very helpful and highly recommended.Balance Me Tinted Lip Salve: a very glossy lip-balm that hydrates and protects lips and also gives them a neutral and very chic color. Full...
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