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Italian fashion blogger Tag

15 Set

Get the look with Canon & The World C

Hello beautieshow was your week-end going? Yesterday I went to MACEF in Milano, the furnishing and bijoux fairy, and from tomorrow I'll show you my experience with two brands.But for today I wanna introduce you to a special project that see as main characters Canon, ModaStyleTelling blog, You and me with my partners in crime Carlotta & Delfina!Are you ready for Get The Look with Canon?!Canon Italia, as main sponsor of Milano Fashion Week, is waiting for you from 18th to 23rd September at Sla dei Notari in Mercanti street at number 8 in Milano. Do not miss the chance of a professional shot of your new look, created just for you by Fashion Bloggers ( me, Delfina & Carlotta ) that...
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11 Set

New York fashion week street-style

Hello beautiespersonally, one of the greatest things in going to a fashion week is to have the chance to see loads of interesting street-styles.Frivolous, sexy, crazy, breathtaking, boysh, glamorous the most important thing is to do not pass unseen and during NY one we saw some of the greatest looks ever.Can't wait to see how London, Milano and Paris will defend themselves, I'm sure that European fashionistas are ready to conquer the crown of the best street-style :)And today it's time for my round up about New York, let me know which is your favourite one!Bisousyours Carolyne O'Lovely PepaCiao dolcezzepersonalmente parlando, una delle cose più belle del poter assistere alle settimane della moda è di avere la possibilità di vedere...
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10 Set

Look of the day: Postcards from Milano

Hello beautieslast days for New York fashion week and then everything will move to London, which were your favourite shows since now? I appreciated Desigual, Victoria Beckham, Giulietta, Carolina Herrera, Delpozo ( Dreamy!!) and Jason Wu!Saturday I went to Milano for a business meeting and I enjoyed spending some time in a city full of sun and warm weather and obviously making a very quick "tour" at La Rinascente :)I wore a Zara dress, Hoss Intropia bag, my beloved Prada sunnies and comfy flats to run up and down the city :)Hope that you will like it in its simplicity, let me know what you think!Bisousyours Carolyne O'Ciao dolcezzela settimana della moda di New York è in dirittura di arrivo...
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8 Set

Look of the day: Can you meet me halfway?

Hello beautieshow was your week-end going? Did any of you watched catwalks from New York Fashion Week? I spy some fabulous street-style looks :DOn Saturday I went to Milano for a business meeting and yesterday I had a relaxing and chillin' day with a brunch with a friend of mine.I wore one of my fave Desigual dress and a Gazel yellow bag and after 3 pics the camera decided to not work anymore :[[ I really love dress and bag so I decided to post them as well, less but good, no? :DHope that you will like it, let me know what you think!Bisousyours Carolyne O'Ciao dolcezzecome è andato il vostro fine settimana? Qualcuna di voi ha visto delle sfilate provenienti...
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