The pleasure to enjoy some time for yourself, wrapped in a warm blanket with a hot cup of tea flavored with cinnamon and a good book in your hands.
A compelling, romantic, real and touching story is the one written by Sally O’Reilly in her latest novel ” La Dama Nera ” ( ” The Black Lady ” ) published by Sonzogno which tells the story of the Dark Lady loved by the famous Wil...
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” Would you be able to leave everything and start life anew? To choose one thing, only one thing and be faithful to that, being able to make it become the reason of your life, one thing that collects everything and that becomes everything right just because it’s your loyalty that makes it becoming infinite … Would you be able ? ”
It takes courage to leave everything, but in the end...
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A dream hatched for so long. What at first seemed like a distant mirage in an oasis of chaos has finally taken real shape.
From today, The World C abandons the dress that has long started to keep up tight to be born in a new form of blogzine, gradually becoming a real webmagazine. Like the phoenix, reborn from the ashes of what was to shine with new life.
Post fata resurgo.
From the day we ...
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” There are no limitations to the mind except those we impose by ourselves.
Cared for and fed visions and dreams, as children of your soul and projects of your maximum achievements.
Don’t wait; will never be the right time. Start anywhere, by any means you can have at your disposal; you’ll find best means along the way.”
Napoleon Hill
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