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The World C Tag

9 Ott

PawPost dog box

My love for fashion and writing go hand in hand with the one I feel for animals. I have a particular affection for dogs, and thus 3 and a half years ago, my Audrey has chosen me to share our lives together.

On 31st July 2011, while I was in my car came home from a barbecue at a friend’s house, I saw a beige spot on the roadside that in a fraction of a second materializes in front of my car. I just ...
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8 Ott


Un tempo mi dilettavo a studiare le persone, a osservarle, a carpire i loro pensieri, a rubare un pezzo delle loro emozioni e a incamerarle nelle mie. Le emozioni si inalano, ci pervadono e si irradiano in ogni cellula e fibra, esplodendo poi in una Supernova energetica senza eguali. Per chi ha difficoltà nell'esprimerle verbalmente o affettivamente, la scrittura diventa la prima fonte per esternarle in maniera armonica ed efficace, donandole sotto forma di parole a chi le legge ma soprattutto a chi è in grado di coglierle sottilmente. E, a mano a mano che cresceva dentro di me l'Amore viscerale per la scrittura, sbocciava in eguale intensità quello per la Moda e l'Haute Couture. Ritagliavo le figure dei Maestri, dei...
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6 Ott

Happiness is…

Happiness is… To be in Milano for job and have the chance to enjoy some free time with my best friend Alina and my mum.

Shopping time, a business meeting, brunch at Biancolatte, another business meeting, a coffee at Il Fioraio Bianchi Caffè and then off to an important event.

But the best part was be supported by these two smiley faces, nothing is better of the Love of the people who care o...
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3 Ott

Milano Fashion Week: Borbonese S/S 2015

Borbonese for its Spring/Summer collection is showing off its timeless elegance, distancing itself from the tradition and embrancing the creation of bags that will become the truly icons of the future.

The most important bags of Borbonese, such as Alix Luna, Tropical Shopping, Jolie and Lady Butterfly, were brang to brand new life with new colors and materials, the Quarter bag with its tipical fringe...
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29 Set

Desigual Friends & Family 4th October

The Desigual Friends&Family festivities have arrived – designed to celebrate the change of season and the arrival of the new collection in stores. On this  occasion, Friends & Family suggest paying homage to the 30 years of history at Desigual. Music, hors d’oeuvres, drinks, dancers, discounts and many surprises will converge on the main stores in the most important cities of the planet. An ...
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