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The World C Tag

26 Set

Look of the day: During Milano Fashion Week…

During Milano Fashion Week you understand the meaning of the words ” obsession of presences “even if you have no invite to enter.

During Milano Fashion Week you understand the meaning of ” advantage friendships ” where during the year is an ” Hello ” every 5 months and during those particular it’s a “Hey my love! Love you ” every 5 seconds.

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24 Set

Milano fashion week: Vicedomini Caleidoscopic Knit S/S 2015

Alessandra Vicedomini and her first time at Milano Fashion Week. Alessandra Vicedomini and her woman who is a real Femme. Alessandra Vicedomini and her Caleidoscopic Knit collection.

Glamorous and enriched with an high luxury bon ton, the new Spring Summer collection is an ode to femininity and to made in Italy. Ex model, Alessandra is today the owner of Vicedomini, one of the last brand where the eleganc...
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19 Set

The World C polaroids

It’s been a while that I didn’t post a recap of my best moments on my Instagram account, where you can find me as @carolinaogliaro.

I recently hit more than 20.ooo followers so I thought it would be a great way to celebrate this big goal and to say again Thank You to all of you for being such an important part of my life and of The World C and to share so much love to me… I feel very gra...
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17 Set

Look of the day: Now or Never

Try. Dare. Risk.

Live the moment and follow it. Follow your instict and your passion.

Today Milano Fashion Week is finally starting and this year will be very important for me. I’ll be there for my blog, my daughter The World C, but also in partnership with two special women… Laura from The Old Now and Valentina from Look Da Rifare. Blogger, reporter and fashion contributor… Three...
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15 Set

Look of the day: Pieces

Pieces of a life, lived in a perfect precarious equilibrium between dreams and reality, desire and need. Between places and people where you left and found something of you.

Between a walk at 6 AM only to see a golden dawn after a night spent with your sweater on, that is always too long for me that seems a dress and with those sleeves that overstep the point of my fingers. Those same fingers that sketch...
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