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Look of the day: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

The Kiss.

Is a like a bang, the explosion of two hearts that deeply want each other, the collision of two bodies that crave for one another. Is like the wave of the sea that pander to beach and always has the need to do it again.

Is not a real kiss if it doesn’t have the intensity, the madness and the passion. There are lot of mediocre things in life and a kiss ( and then Love) should never ...
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27 Ago

Look of the day: Life

Simply questions that can open a world of feelings behind them… Are you happy about the life you are live in? Is this the life you have dreamt about?

Who is happy and who is not, who is fighting to make it beautiful and who has no more strenght. It’s always easy judging but… it’s very difficult to try to walk in someone else shoes.

I always absorbe positive vibes from the on...
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25 Ago

Hard Rock Cafe Fashion Contest for Fashion Addicted

Summer is really getting going and Hard Rock Cafe launched the perfect fashion contest for fashion & music addicted!

Everyone knows the famous tee with the sign Hard Rock Cafe but how many of you know that in the Rock Shop there are also hats, bags, dresses, accessories, bracelets, scarfs, outfits for children, shorts to make a real street and brilliant look?

With the Fashion Rock The Shop Kit...
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19 Ago

Happiness Pink Panther Trenta Ore Per La Vita

It’s time for a Love revolution.

It takes a little gesture to start to make a change in the world, every single small one has a relevant importance especially when is for the ones who suffer and who are fighting against diseases.

Happiness, in order to help children who are struggling with tumors, has presented its limited edition t-shirt in partnership with Pink Panther and Trenta Ore per la...
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18 Ago

Beauty: Mediterranea Cosmetics

Sun, sea, wind, hot weather put through the wringer the wellness and beauty of our skin.

During Summertime so it’s very important to protect ourselves and Mediterranea is with me because this Italian brand is synonymous of safety, innovation and pure vanguard in beauty sector with a special eye on solidarity, because for every purchase Mediterranea will donate a part of the proceeds to AIFO ( Ra...
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