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The World C Tag

23 Apr

Love comes in a Monnier Frères box

One of the most beautiful and priceless things in life is treating yourself with a special gift, a gift from you to you, no other people in the middle, only you who wanna gratify your soul.

A fascinating foulard, a precious pair of sunglasses, a colorful jewel, a new wallet or a timeless and beloved bag… My favourite place to cuddle myself searching for the best way of making me happy is Monnier FrÃ...
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22 Apr

Beauty: Mediterranea

When we talk about beauty, my preferences go to the most valuable, professional and helpful products and the ones that are always in my personal case are by Mediterranea, the beauty line by Carli, the famous Italian oil producer.

Mediterranea is synonymous of safety, innovation and pure vanguard with a special eye on solidarity, because for every purchase Mediterranea will donate a part of the proceeds to...
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18 Apr

Look of the day: The sound of the underground

Close your eyes and free your mind.

The first day of 2014 I decided that this year I would have done something different in order to improve myself. Not something exagerate and too much far from my real I but I’d loved to experiment something different.

In my way of thinking, in my way of living and sometimes in my way of dressing. This LEROCK dress was my keystone in an underground place.
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17 Apr

Look of the day: Mahalo

Mahalo is the Hawaiian word that means Thank You.

Thank you.

Have you ever thought about the importance of these simple words and of feeling thankful? It’s easy listening to people who complained about everyhting happened in their lives without enjoying of those little things that make life special. They must not be huge and particolar things but very simple like a sunny day, the ( true ) hug...
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15 Apr

Look of the day: Eleonora

Little steps take you so far.

Sometimes you feel motionless and static, like nothing is moving around you but it’s not the real truth. All is in continous move and, most important, everything happens when it’s meant to be… Because during the trip you must learn lessons, you must understand that failure doesn’t exist and if you work hard, if you REALLY believe it and with deeply pas...
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